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Gym Class Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Managing Through People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Overseeing Through People - Assignment Example particles, including, eg, vocation advancement, preparing, association improvement, etc.†1 Human asset Management (HRM) is the administration action of the representatives of an association where as the Human Resource Development (HRD) is a progressively broad term wherein separated from the administration work the advancements of the association and the workers (inner and outside) through various kinds of preparing exercises are additionally the elements of a HRD office. The globalized current business condition has made the assignment confounded for the HR division. The majority of the organizations are currently setting up their assembling units in abroad nations so as to abuse the abroad markets. A few workers should be sent to the abroad nations so as to set up the business there. The HR supervisors need to prepare such workers as per the requirements of the objective nation. The distinction in culture, language, condition all must be tended to by the HR directors while detailing the preparation systems. Microsoft is accepted to be one of the greatest programming organizations on the planet. Indeed it controls most of the world’s programming market with their restraining infrastructure. Considerably different organizations like Intel had to make microchip chips appropriate for the Microsoft’s Windows working framework in view of their imposing business model. Microsoft did this by making a progression of working frameworks (DOS, at that point Windows), and by characterizing the sort of machine that could run their OSs.†(Why is Microsoft a Monopoly?) Microsoft is lead by its author Bill Gates. It is really the incredible pioneer transport Bill Gates, molded Microsoft into such a major monopolistic firm on the planet. â€Å"Leadership is setting another bearing or vision for a gathering that they follow, ie: a pioneer is the lead for that new heading. The board controls or coordinates individuals/assets in a gathering as indicated by standards or qualities that have just been established.†2 The pioneer consistently focused on setting the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
THE HISTORY OF PUNK ROCK Essays - Punk Rock Genres,
THE HISTORY OF PUNK ROCK Underground rock is a style of music that started in 1964 in New York City at an underground club called The Dom. This little known club at the time was the impetus that began punk headed straight toward what it is today (History Punk). Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols was cited saying; ?Punk was made as a solution for fatigue.? (Punk History). He sure makes them thing right; one unquestionably can not be exhausted while tuning in to underground rock. The bad-to-the-bone guitar cadence, slicing bass line, and hard quick drum beat make punk music that one must move to. Underground rock is a style of music that has as of late began its rebound. Underground rock from the past has influenced a large number of the present top specialists and this has had an emotional effect on the present music industry. Despite the fact that there is impressive impact from past groups that doesn't mean there has not been a significant change in the zone of underground rock itself. The Stooges are a punk band framed in New York by punk extraordinary Iggy Pop. He shaped the band in 1966 and the individuals could barely play their instruments. This didn't demoralize them seeking after their fantasy about being an incredible underground rock band however. They persistently rehearsed until at long last three years after the fact in 1969 their first collection was discharged. This was the beginning of standard (Punk History). In 1975 the punk scene moved from New York to Detroit, where it remained for the following 15 years (Punk History). Likewise in 1975 a band by the name of The Ramones shaped. They discharged there first, self entitled collection in 1976. The absence of innovation is said to have been the key factor in formation of the Ramones sound. They needed to return the progression to music. They brought back the 2-minute tune many discovered suggestive of early awesome (Chord Wonders). On July 4, 1976 the Romones played out their first show in London. This show dramatically affected Britain. It roused such incredible groups as the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Damned, and Generation X. This was the flash that created the British Punk craze (Chord Wonders). English punks had the ?do it without anyone else's help? demeanor, and underlined distinction and self-articulation. They opposed the music of the 70's and the social, monetary and political atmosphere of England at that point. Yet, the territory that British punks opposed the most was design. They did this to the degree that they made there own style (The Pit). The primary significant band to create in England was the Sex Pistols. They took the ametureristic style of the Ramones and included a dash of agnosticism, which means they had an anarchic sound, making a sound and a picture that is as yet the perfect in underground rock today (Greeil 34). The quick guitar mood, once in a while unnatural, was the fundamental component of the Sex Pistols. Consolidate that with Sid Vicious butchering the bass lines, the agnostic verses of Johnny Rotton, and an in-your-face drum and you have what most think about the best punk band ever. Rotton, lead artist, and Vicious are viewed as two of the ?unequaled extraordinary punks?, contributing both musically and elegantly to the punk scene. Horrible frequently played at gigs alcoholic or high on heroin. These jokes by Vicious earned the band more press about their offstage shenanigans then their real music execution (Chord Wonders). Another extraordinary punk legend, The Clash, was begun in 1978. The Clash was increasingly optimistic the Sex Pistols, yet they were no less forceful (Greil 76). They were instrumental in the advancement of the present punk groups. Groups, for example, Sublime, Operation Ivy, and Rancid are only a couple of instances of groups that base their music on the style of the Clash. The style with which the Clash play uses the ska and reggae beat making the guitar sound more shrill. This style and method is the thing that got the Clash casted a ballot best collection by Rolling Stones in 1980 (History Punk). One thing that made all punks stand apart was their style taste or should I say absence of design. Punks would wear fetishwear, servitude pants, and
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Things To Do Alone The Benefits of Being By Yourself
Things To Do Alone The Benefits of Being By Yourself Happiness Print Things To Do By Yourself By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 06, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on February 06, 2020 Thomas Barwick/Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Solitude often gets a bad rap. Experts extol the virtues of social connectivity; its linked to better immunity, improved stress resilience, and even longer life. Being alone, on the other hand, is all too often equated with loneliness. Research suggests that social isolation and loneliness increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, anxiety, depression, Alzheimers disease, high blood pressure, and even early death. But research is also increasingly showing that there are real benefits to finding things to do by yourself. Doing things by yourself allows you to enjoy activities you love at your own pace and in your own way. Through solitary pursuits, you learn more about yourself and reflect on your experiences. Being Alone vs. Loneliness While there is a wealth of research pointing to the psychological downsides of loneliness and social isolation, there is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that a certain amount of quality time alone is critical to well-being. Some things, this research suggests, are just better off being done by yourself without the distractions, opinions, or influences of other people. Even though people sometimes fear seclusion, research has shown than many people actually seek and prefer solitude. Your desire for alone time is heavily influenced by your overall personality. Your preferences for solitude play a role in determining whether being alone has a positive or negative effect on your well-being. Where extroverts often dislike being alone, introverts tend to prefer it. Of course, just because you tend to be introverted does not mean that you want to be alone all the time. Even the most introverted of people need a support network and social connections. And being an extrovert does not mean that you aren’t capable of enjoying your own company. Even if you naturally seek the company of a crowd, you can learn how to enjoy a little time to yourself now and then. It is important to remember that being alone and loneliness are two very different things. Loneliness involves being isolated despite wanting social connections, where being alone means taking time for yourself between regular social interactions. Times When Solitude Can Be Beneficial Its voluntaryYou also maintain positive relationshipsYou can return to social groups when desiredYou feel good about spending time alone Choosing to be alone at times can be rejuvenating, but the important variables are that it is something you choose and something you enjoy. Being alone is harmful if it feels like a punishment or if you feel excluded from social connections. The Health Risks of Loneliness Things to Do By Yourself If you are naturally drawn to other people, finding activities to enjoy all on your own might seem difficult at first. Adding some quiet moments where you can be alone can come with a number of benefits, particularly if you are always on the go and struggle to slow down and take breaks. Some things you might want to try: Take yourself out to dinner. Dining out is often viewed as a social experience, but treating yourself to a nice meal can give you a chance to relax and enjoy the experience in peace. Go to the movies alone. It’s not like you spend a lot of time socializing in the middle of a film, but being with other people means you might be distracted wondering what they think of the movie and what they might have to say later. Seeing a film alone means that you can fully focus on the story and visuals in front of you without wondering about what your companions might think. See your favorite band or musician by yourself. Not only will you get to see your favorites without having to worry about finding people who want to go with you, seeing a concert alone can be a great way to meet other people who you share common interests with. You might be doing something on your own, but it can actually help widen your social circle. Go for a hike. Spending time in nature can be great for your health, but it can sometimes be tough to find people who want to go. Going alone can give you a chance to connect with nature, challenge your body, and enjoy some peaceful solitude. Previous research has shown that nature can have a number of psychological benefits, ranging from restoring attention to relieving stress. Researchers suggest that being alone in nature can help people focus their priorities, gain a greater appreciation for relationships, and improve future goal-setting. If you do hike alone, take all necessary safety precautions. While the point is to be by yourself, make sure someone knows where you will be, and you should always have the ability to contact the outside world if needed. Travel. Vacationing and traveling alone may seem particularly intimidating, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding way to challenge yourself and learn new things. Traveling alone is also a great way to build self-sufficiency and confidence. Learn something new. Sign up for a class where you can learn a new skill, whether it’s something like cooking, archery, art, dance, or some other hobby that has always interested you. Instead of being focused on doing what other people want to do, you can pursue something that satisfies your own interests. Visit a museum. Rather than feeling rushed or pressured, wandering through a museum on your own is a great way to spend time looking at the exhibits that you’re interested in and skip the ones your not. It also means that you can check out things at your own pace and react to exhibits without wondering what other people are thinking. Volunteer. Research has shown that prosocial actions like volunteering can have a number of positive benefits. Look for opportunities in your community where you can devote a little time to a cause you are passionate about. The Benefits of Being Alone Most research suggests that too much social isolation takes a serious toll on both physical and mental health. But there are benefits to spending time on your own, as long as you balance it by maintaining strong and supportive social connections. It Can Improve Concentration and Memory When you are working in a group, you might exert less effort to memorize information because you simply assume that others in the group will fill in the gaps, a phenomenon known as social loafing. Working on things alone can help you focus your attention, which can improve your retention and recall. In one study published in the journal Psychological Bulletin, researchers found that groups working collaboratively to recall information performed worse than individuals recalling things on their own. It Makes Your Interests a Priority It gives you time to focus on your interests. Being alone is an important part of self-development. It allows you to get to know yourself. When you are surrounded by others, you might set your own ideas and passions aside in order to appease the wants and needs of friends and family. Taking time on your own gives you a critical opportunity to make creative choices and focus your attention without worrying about what other people are thinking. It Boosts Creativity Collaborative brainstorming is often seen as one of the best ways to generate new ideas, but research has found that people are often better at solving difficult problems when they work on their own. Where group efforts are often about achieving consensus and fitting in with the crowd, solo work encourages innovation without added social pressure. It Improves Your Relationships Relationships are often strongest when each person takes time to take care of themselves. Even when it comes to friendships, the old adage may be trueâ€"a little absence might really make the heart grow fonder. One study published in the British Journal of Psychology found that highly intelligent people actually become less satisfied the more time they spend socializing with friends. Having friendships and a strong social support system is important for your mental health and well-being, but taking a break and going it solo once in a while may help you appreciate those connections all the more. It Makes You More Productive Group work is often lauded for improving collaboration and innovation, but it can also be distracting. Even trying to focus on more than one thing at a time has been shown to dramatically reduce overall productivity. So even if you don’t have the luxury of focusing on projects solo, you can reduce productivity killers by simply focusing on one task at a time. It Makes You More Empathetic Research suggests that a certain amount of alone-time can actually help you have greater empathy for the people around you. Of course, getting time alone isn’t always easy, particularly when technology has transformed how people spend time alone. Even when you are by yourself, you may never take a break from communicating with others. After all, they’re just a text, tweet, or DM away. Even in cases where you are not able to get time completely by yourself, cutting back on digital communication for a brief time might be helpful. In one study, researchers found that when teens went five days without communication devices, they improved their ability to interpret emotions and facial expressions. Just be careful not to let periods of solitude turn into social isolationâ€"research has found that loneliness is linked to decreased empathy. Why Empathy Is Important In Relationships How to Be Alone Being alone doesn’t come naturally to everyone. If you are used to surrounding yourself with friends and family or even prefer the company of strangers, learning to appreciate the joys of going solo may take some time. Make a plan. The best alone-time often happens when you set aside a specific period to be by yourself. It shouldn’t be forced isolation that leaves you feeling withdrawn or anti-social. Set aside an evening or a weekend for a little refreshing “me time.â€Eliminate the distractions. If you find yourself tempted to work, check out social media, or talk on the phone, start by turning off any potential distracting devices. Leave your laptop and phone aside and focus on doing something that you don’t normally get to do on your own.Learn to value solitude. In an ever-connected world that often devalues being alone, it is important to remember the importance of taking time to spend with just your own thoughts. One fascinating study found that participants would rather engage in mundane tasks or even administer electrical shocks to themselves rather than spend 6 to 15 minutes alone in a room with nothing to do but think. In the study, participants much preferred to spend their time engaged in mundane tasks rather than being left to their own thoughts. The researchers concluded that most people would rather be doing somethingâ€"even something negativeâ€"than sit and do nothing. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to completely escape all forms of external stimulation when you are alone. The key is to engage in activities that allow you to feel a sense of inner solitude. Some people can achieve this feeling while listening to music or reading a book, while others might require the quiet of a peaceful session of meditation. Find what works for you, then make sure that you have regular moments where you can retreat to this quiet mental space. A Word From Verywell Whether you are an introvert who thrives on solitude or a gregarious extrovert who loves to socialize, a little high-quality time to yourself can be good for your overall well-being. The trick is to remember that this alone time is for focusing on youâ€"for cultivating your passions, finding new inspirations, getting to know yourself better, or even engaging in some much-needed rest and relaxation. Even when you are busy, pencil in a little time each week for some moments of seclusion. How to Cope With Feelings of Loneliness
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Australian Multicultural Foundation ( Amf ) - 2000 Words
Introduction Workforce diversity has enabled organisation to gain competitive advantage in terms of improving service, effective organisational culture and employee satisfaction (Bradetitch, Rahman, Reynolds, 2013). However, the success rate of diversity training is dependent on the level of engagement and commitment of the management and the employees as the nature of the global economy have reversed the homogenous society to become the heterogeneous trend (Willard, 2003, Mor-Barak, 2005). Workplace Diversity The Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) has published a training program resource manual in 2010 produced by Robert Bean Consulting about Managing Cultural Diversity. The training program highlights the evolution of diversity training in Australia and comprehensive sections of managing diversity in the workplace, developing an organisational and personal competence and providing cultural diversity training workshops. The training manual explains the term ‘diversity’ as â€Å"the significant difference between people, including perceptions of differences, that need to be considered in particular situations and circumstances†(AMF, 2010, p.8). It also states that â€Å"the most significant differences are the least obvious†including thinking styles or beliefs and values while the most apparent and multiple dimensions of diversity such as gender, culture, religion, family status, age ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, language and work experienc e were suggestedShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesUniversity; Matthew R. Hartley, University of California, Berkeley; Cindy Claycomb, Wichita State University; Pola Gupta, Wright State University; Joan Lindsey-Mullikin, Babson College. Also: Barnett Helzberg, Jr. of the Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Foundation, and my colleagues from Cleveland State University: Ram Rao, Sanford Jacobs, Andrew Gross and Benoy Joseph. From Wiley: Judith Joseph, Kimberly Mortimer, Carissa Marker. Robert F. Hartley, Professor Emeritus College of Business Administration
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The United States Brief History - 2271 Words
Throughout the United States’ brief history there have been a few black eyes that have haunted the country as a whole and shaped it to what it is today. One of the more important, and dark, moments in the history of the country was the Trail Of Tears. What resulted in the loss of thousands of lives was the relocation of the Native American people who were rightfully on their own land. Behind this calamitous event were the politicians that were leaders of the country of that time. Despite being looked at as heroes, many of our founding fathers and past presidents had a hand in this relocation. While the country’s politicians played the role of the bad guys, there were Native American leaders who took a political stand against this act. Despite the opposition of the natives, the power of the political leaders of the time proved to be too much and eventually overcame the resistance causing this tragic event in American history. As soon as the Europeans set foot in the Americas it was destined for them to strip the land away from the natives who inhabited them. Shortly after the new â€Å"Americans†won their freedom from the English, they began their push west. The removal of the Native American’s began then and was started by our own founding fathers. It is widely believed and taught that President Andrew Jackson was the one to begin the harsh removal of these people from their lands, but he merely continued what was being put into place. What is not known by many is that ourShow MoreRelatedA Brief History Of United States Mental Health Care Essay1896 Words  | 8 PagesPRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW A brief history of the United States’ mental health care The United States has never had an official federal-centered approach for mental health care facilities, entrusting its responsibility to the states throughout the history. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. Free Essays
string(72) " in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license\." As citizens of the United States, we have the option if deemed necessary to possess a weapon and use it for self-defense. The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, second amendment states that we have the right to bear and keep arms. Because often high crime rate in some areas may be a reason why a citizen may choose to carry a concealed weapon. We will write a custom essay sample on Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Crime is something that looks like it will be an unending situation that is not even close to going away. Possessing a weapon as a use for self-defense will help to protect a citizen when one needs to defend themselves. Others of us feel that firearms play an important role in our lives both from the standpoint of sporting and hunting as well as their application to principles f self-defense particularly when patients represent a high risk population†(Dante, 1996). One may agree that having a concealed weapon would decrease the crime rate but the question is, does it really make a difference? Criminals have a choice about committing a crime or not. â€Å"Many believe that restricting access to firearms would result in a decrease in crime, especially violent crime. Others believe that restricting access to guns would have little to no effect on crime rates and would only trample the rights of US citizens to possess guns†(Gigs, 2009). Owning a gun is seed primarily for self-defense against a criminal and not to mention animals that are out of control. We Just need to keep in mind that a weapon is not a toy and that there are consequences to pay if not used correctly. Each individual state has its own laws on carrying a concealed weapon. Depending on which state that a citizen is a resident of is where it is based on whether a citizen can carry a concealed weapon permit. The different permits for carrying concealed weapons among states are shall-issue, may-issue, and right denied. Something to be aware about a concealed weapon permit is not all state permits are honored in another state. For example, if one were to get a concealed weapons permit in California the permit will not be honored in Nevada. There are some advantages and disadvantages when it comes to being allowed to carry a concealed weapon and reasons why some of these laws may or may not be so lenient. Some states like Texas and Florida are liberalizing the laws for carrying a concealed weapon. Some states are tightening or toughening up the laws concerning obtaining a concealed weapon. These include Massachusetts and New York†(Dante, 1996). All citizens should have the right to carry within limitations. Is it true that there is a relationship between right to carry individuals and increase in violent crime? In Citizen defend thyself,: it states that the relationship between right to carry and high crime rates are actually lowered (Hood, 2009). GAO reports that as of March 2012, the right to carry law is currently allowed in all states, except Illinois. The laws aiding these states allow right to carry laws, and the argument still is skeptical of the research behind the tolerance of this law. Despite the research that points to the conclusion that violence is variable, public suspicion points that violence increases with the ability of a citizen to carry concealed arms. However, according to GAO, the amount of individuals issued concealed weapons permit is 8 million citizens. The United States census states the population of the United States currently as 314,441,706; the relationship displays that less than 3% of the overall population maintains a concealed weapons permit. The majority of the population does not carry a concealed weapon license. The relationship between the aspect of increased violent crime and right to carry does not seem substantiated u to such a low national ratio of concealed weapons license. In actuality, this will show that right carry laws provide a direct impact on preventing violent crimes than the assumption otherwise. Individuals need to base their priority on obtaining a concealed weapon’s license on specific criteria. Each state varies on issuing a weapon’s permit, background checks must be completed, and the extent of the background check varies with the state. According to Hood, right to carry laws should be evaluated on an individual basis, based on the area he or she is in, consistency of ravel, and prior background. The amount of applications that are denied a concealed permit is under the complete discretion of the state. Depending if the state has a may issue or shall-issue permit law, the discretion is normally used on the cause for the applicant. Hood explained that most applicants that apply for concealed weapon license is due to the fact of personal protection from a prior experience as a crime victim. A victim that has been directly affected by a violent crime may never feel safe without a concealed weapon at his or her side. A concealed weapon will be useful to he applicant if he or she has received threats or lives in a high crime area. If the individual lives in a high area of crime, the relationship between fear of a crime and when a crime will be committed is Just reason for the citizen to be granted a permit. In California, â€Å"issuing authorities (local law enforcement) told us that an example of a good cause is a business owner who may regularly retain cash on-hand used to pay employees. â€Å"(GAO, 2012, p. 13) How frequently an individual travels with a concealed weapon is also a basis of Judgment to consider issuing permits. If the individual’s behavior produces an unwillingness to leave a weapon at home instead of carrying it across state repeatedly, this might show that in reality the person is not concealing a weapon Just in the high rate of crime area. This basis will work more effectively in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license. You read "Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S." in category "Papers" Simple background checks in some states such as Colorado, allow us to rethink the policies to issue weapons to the general public. The necessity of right to carry and conceal on an individual basis will help avoid tragedies and catastrophe that shame our moral obligation to society’s welfare. Right to carry laws does not interfere or cause violent crime in society. The presumption of citizens that carry a concealed weapon is the cause of society violent behavior need to be reevaluated based on research in high rate areas. The most important reason all citizens should have the right to carry arms based on an individual basis is because the passage of right to carry law actually lowers the incident of violent crime. Hood also explains that in New Orleans, the percentage of concealed weapons’ carriers and the relationship to high crime is lowered in the eyes off permit holder. The use of a scientific survey to the general population in New Orleans shows most evidentially when questioned if their city was below the national crime average. In Hood’s survey, 33% of non-permit holders believed it was lower, while 38% of permit holders believed their city was below the national average. However, the fact remains that the effects of right to carry laws vary across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. Citizens are the variable in each equation and if you isolate all violent crimes into one group it would not benefit the scientific research inhibited concealed weapons. This relationship is caused by the type of crime, for instance an individual that was mugged will have a different experience if someone was sexually assaulted or raped. In Crime in economics and states, it explains that crime is subject also to the economic state of the country, not just type of crime. If a country economic state is poor, you would most likely see a reaction by an increase in theft. (Bessie, 1999) Obtaining a concealed license and the type of crime has to be evaluated and determined if the crime was avoided or it was cause of the crime. Citizens that can carry a concealed weapon feel safer in high rime areas. The disadvantage of others that may be harmed due to the fact of a concealed weapon on person is the state of mind of the carrier. However, in light of concealed permit holders state of mind, this group feels the area around them is a much safer place than without a concealed weapon. The reality of Justifying good cause for a moral individual to be issued a concealed weapons permit will be a deterrent for violent crime to occur. Why is Japan considered to be the safest country? In Japan the crime rate is not so high and Japanese citizens can leave a bicycle unlocked without worrying about someone stealing it. The Japanese Justice Ministry’s Research and Training Institute has, in its 1977 â€Å"White Paper on Crime,†compared domestic crime rates to those abroad and says that Japan is by far the safest industrialized nation in the world†(Douglas, 1977). Japan is known to be a safe place with less crime compared to the United States. Japan’s gun-related crime rate is only eleven deaths per year which is unbelievable when we look at the crime rate in the United States. The only weapons that are allowed in Japan are air guns and shotguns. The process to get a gun is rather lengthy. Japanese law, however, tarts with the 1958 act stating that â€Å"No person shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords,†later adding a few exceptions. (Fisher, 2012). To acquire a gun, a Japanese citizen needs to go through a one day class and passing a written test, passing a shooting range class, mental fitness and drug testing by a medical check- up. The medical reports need to be filed with the police. There is also a criminal background check that is required for the air gun or shotgun. Once all the requirements are met, you would need to provide all the necessary documentation on where the gun will be kept and locked in the house. The police are required to inspect the gun every year while re-taking a class and test every three years. The process is difficult and in my opinion would discourage a Japanese citizen from having a gun. Japanese citizens do not seem to have any issues about their gun laws. The gun control and laws are stricter in Japan, forbidding sales and buying of handguns, small-caliber rifles, and toy guns. A Japanese citizen could be charged with holding a gun, possessing and shooting unlicensed bullets if they were to shoot a gun. Although Japanese citizens are limited to owning air guns and shot guns, enforcing a concealed weapons license may not be something that Japanese citizens would consider because their police force takes care of their Job in a manner that one would not require one to own a handgun. Japan enjoys one other benefit that may be related to the low crime rate, an efficient police force and a tradition of citizen cooperation, which help give the country the highest arrest rate, relative to crimes committed, of all advanced nations†(Fisher, 2012). In conclusion, the fact remains that the effect of right to carry law varies across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. All citizens should have the right to carry arms within l imitation for two main reasons. First, right to carry law should be evaluated on an individual basis based on area he or she in is, consistency of travel, and prior background. But most importantly, the passage of the right to carry law lowers the incident of violent crimes. â€Å"As the respective examples of Luxembourg and Russia suggest, the kinds of people who murder will either find guns despite severe controls or will find other weapons with which to kill†(Amuser, 2006). The majority of people that apply for the concealed weapons licenses have been victims of crime. Owners of a concealed weapons license typically view their society a safer place. Plainsman (n. D. ) states â€Å"Robbery rates in right-to carry states were rising until the laws were passed and then fell continually after that point. Is there a â€Å"Robbery Effect If a person is unstable, then most likely they will not be able to complete the process to obtain a concealed carry license. It’s not the license that causes crime, but it’s the person’s mentality. According to â€Å"The First Decade Of The Tennessee Handgun Permit Law Shows Very Good Results By Legally Armed Citizens In Tennessee†(2004), â€Å"There are o incidents that can be found where in a defensive incident a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder shot or wounded in some manner, any innocent person. There are a number of defensive incidents where a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder used his or her pistol to defend themselves or another party but, only the aggressor was harmed. †(Self-Defense Incidents Also Reflect Good Results). Q). If a no concealed carry law passes then that’s only going to stop the law abiding citizens, not the criminals. Just because a person has a license to carry a concealed weapon, does not cause violent crime in society. Crime is created by the state of mind of the person with the weapon, not by the legality of owning a weapon. How to cite Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S., Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Size and Moisture Distribution Characteristics †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Size and Moisture Distribution Characteristics. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to highlight an issue in the land of United States California. This report deals with the daylight robbery that is going on for a long time and the main purpose of this report is to investigate this issue as the robbers are stealing the products worth more than a few million dollars and they are executing the job in a very sophisticated manner using high technology. It is seen that in October a trailer was carrying loads of walnuts worth more than 50 thousand dollars got stolen in Yuba City. Similar instances were noticed in February where walnuts worth 2 million dollars got stolen in the same manner in Butte County. According to the reports found from a reporter who previously served as a cop, he stated that this is an organized crime done by a group of mafias where Russians and some people from Bronx, America are involved (de Abreu et al. 2013). After the investigations done by FBI, primarily they came to a decision that Russian mobsters are behind the Italian-American mafia, but there are no practical evidence in the hand of FBI so that they can investigate the issue further and personally meet the suspected people (Nunes et al. 2012). The irony that is prevalent here is that the police did not have any clue about who are the potential suspects in this case. In the land of America from the last few months, various robberies of almonds and walnuts are seen, and in each case the robbers are looting products worth more than million dollars, it is reported that the robbers are employing highly technologically rich engineering to execute the criminal activities. In the place of robbery many a times people noticed people talking in Russian accents and that is the only thin clue that FBI has in their hand (Hillocks, Bennett and Mponda 2012). They are trying to get the clues desperately as the robbers are looting goods worth millions of dollars in broad day light and the way they are employing tactics, it is evident that the criminals are backed up by a rich organization and these cases are true example of organized crime (Hernandez-Montoya et al. 2012). International crime associations are targeting the Californias booming agriculture industry, which are increasingly stealing truck loaded of nuts, making establishment and the firms falling victim to the efforts to break the spree costing millions of dollars. These sophisticated organizations in many cases used hi-tech technologies and tactics, like hacking into trucking companys websites to steal their identity (Pitt, Taniwaki and Cole 2013). Armed with false shipping papers, the crime organizations pose as legitimate truckers, driving off with loads of nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pistachios valued at $150,000 and some worth $500,000 each goods. After a few days, when a shipment fails to reach to its intended destination, the nuts might already be in another state or on a ship sailed for the market of Europe or Asia, where they get top dollars in the black market, according to the experts (Grain 2012). Last year, nut thefts hit an all-time high inUnited States with losses a totalling $8.47 million from 33 reported cases, more than the three previous years combined, as according to Cargo Nut, an agreement of cargo shipping organizations and law enforcement agencies aimed at preventing losses. Losses for all four years combined were nearly 11.7 million dollars according to the group reports. Todd Croswell, the general manager of Caro Nut Company said that it has made his life miserable and Caro was victimized almost six times in the last year for a total loss of 1.2 million dollars (Ioris 2015). In each case, the thieves stole cashews imported from Vietnam and Africa that were roasted, salted and packaged in Fresno (de Abreu et al. 2013). The value of the nuts grown and processed in California, the nations leading agricultural state, have soared in the recent years as global demand for the health-food snack grows in places such as China and rising economies. California State produces more almonds, walnuts and pistachios than any other states with an estimated value of 9.7 billion dollars in 2014. Only the Almonds alone were valued at 6.1 billion dollars, according to the US Department of Agriculture (Hernandez-Montoya et al. 2012). The high price of nuts attracted the attention of various criminal organizations, which are exploiting the weaknesses in the cargo shipping industry to harvest large profits, according to Dan Bryant, a supervisory special agent of the violent and organized crimes programs of the FBIs Sacramento bureau (Mller et al. 2013). Bryant denied identifying any specific organizations under suspicion, citing an ongoing criminal investigation he said, the robbers not just some teenage kids ripping off nuts, he further said, the looters are sophisticated people (Ioris 2015). The local authorities are also taking actions. One state lawmaker has introduced a bill to fund a state-wide taskforce targeting all types of cargo thefts. The Law enforcement officials and the nut processors were arranging meetings to share information to help prevent more nut thefts (Hillocks, Bennett and Mponda 2012). Alarmed by a sudden increase in large-scale nut robbery, Tulare County sheriff Mike Boudreaux last year geared up his agriculture crimes unit from two to six detectives. Back in 2013, his office investigated a $193750 pistachio theft. No such cases were reported in the next year, but in 2015, six trucks of almonds and pistachios were stolen at a combined loss of 2.7 million dollars. The investigators successfully tailed at least one truck Los Angeles and made one arrest (GRAIN 2012). The officials denied to disclose the name of the suspect due to the in progress investigation. The criminals do tend to have some overseas connections, said Scott Cornell, who is an investigator for Travellers Insurance and an expert on cargo thefts. Croswell said he has put in place new safeguards hoping that he doesnt fall victim again, after taking photographs and fingerprints of the roughly 25 truck drivers each day who to the shipping docks. Despite this effort, Croswell said that he fears that the criminals will strike back again in no time (Mller et al. 2013). Whoever they might is, theyre most possibly watching, as stated by Crosswell. He further said that theyll try to do it again. Theyll eventually figure out how to beat the system and the individuals just have to stay one step ahead of them in order to stop them and get them (de Abreu et al. 2013). Market analysis For over a decade producing nut and selling them used to be a very lucrative business in the land of America and especially in the state of California. In this section of this report, a thorough market research is done for the rich nut industry which is nowadays under a huge threat of robbery where international mafia is involved (Olife, Jolaoso and Onwualu 2013). Thus in this section a thorough PESTLE analysis is shown regarding the nut industry of America. In the land of United States America, as it is seen that producing nuts and selling them is a very lucrative business and federal government earns a lot of revenue from the taxes generated from this business (Olife, Jolaoso and Onwualu 2013). Thus government backs up the businessmen who are controlling the nut industry in many ways. Thus, it can be said that, nut industry nowadays is a rich industry with lots of governmental helps and bankrolled by big business tycoons and government aids. As in recent years the industry is facing serious issues regarding uncontrolled theft of the goods, the businessmen of this particular sector are incurring losses over millions of dollars and that is in a way affecting the general economy of the state as well as it is disturbing the pillars of the business operations (Olife, Jolaoso and Onwualu 2013). To judge the nut industry economically, it can be said that the industry is a growing one and hold a lot of opportunities to flourish even more than ever as in the market, the demand of processed nuts are very high and in some regions of America, the land is appropriate for growing nuts and all other weather parameters suits the criterion that is needed to grow nuts in industrial quantity (Dana and Mallet 2014). For the last decade, the nut industry has been a huge generator of taxes for the government of America and this industry is arranging the living of almost thousands of families nowadays. Thus it is a fact that nut industry of America has deep influence in the economy of the nation and can be considered as an influential industry in the market of America (Coslovsky 2014). The nut industry of America is a growing industry and in the last decade, it is seen that some big corporations came forward with the intention to make a monopoly in the business and thus it is seen that there are two or three corporations who are controlling the industry. From this business the common farmers are not getting benefitted as in most cases they are working under big corporations and all the profits are getting accounted to those companies (Chang, Sreedharan and Schneider 2013). Thus there are a bit of agitation among the commoners regarding the pay issues. It was thus evident that this agitation led to a heated conversation with the management of those organizations and the union of the farmers. Thus from the activities of the farmers union, it is evident that the majority population is not happy with the actions taken by the privileged class in this context. After looking at the brighter side of the business, the management of the organizations who are the leading growers of nuts in the land of America is trying to introduce some higher technologies to increase the productivity. It is seen that the organizations are nowadays investing a lot of money to increase the technological advancements for this field of business along with it they are trying to improve some technological devices so that they can track how the robbers are looting their goods in the broad daylight. These are the main issues those are worth mentioning in this section of this report. Currently the nut industry is facing some real issues in the legal sector due to excessive usage of water for the processing of the goods (Dana and Mallet 2014). Various petitions were signed against the organizations that are controlling the nut industry as the nuts need excess water to grow that any other crops and while processing gallons of fresh water gets wasted (Coslovsky 2014). This is the primary reason behind the legal issues the organizations are facing in this field. The organizations are also facing some minor problems due to the activities of the farmers union, as the members of the union thinks that the organizations are depriving the farmers who are doing all the hard work and they are not getting the amount of money they should be given (Chang, Sreedharan and Schneider 2013). It is a well known statement that nuts are the crop of the poor commoners and the food of the elite society. Many farmers of America are nowadays engaged in producing nut in industrial quantity under the supervision of large corporations which are operating the business in the large scale (Branco et al. 2015). The processing of these nuts are in every possible way a threat to the environment as it emits irritable odor that disturbs the neighboring individuals and at the time of processing the nuts a huge amount of water gets wasted. These are the hazards that environment faces on a daily basis for the processing of nuts (Dana and Mallet 2014). Looking at all the negative factors, the government still backs up the business as the negative factors are very minimal in respect of the profitability this business generates each financial year in the market of America (Coslovsky 2014). The nut industry requires a lot of water for the irrigation and while processing too the industry needs ga llons of water that eventually gets wasted and that is a matter of concern in todays world. Porters five forces In this section of this report a detailed analysis regarding the five forces of the market is shown for the detailed analysis of the industry in the recent years. In the market of America, the power of the suppliers is not at all a matter of concern at least in the nut industry, as in most cases the organizations take help from the common farmers and make them work for them by offering them some monetary rewards (Khir et al. 2013). In this context if the management of those organizations keeps the farmers happy by using the method of reward and recognition, they will be content and the industry would not face many issues from them (Chang, Sreedharan and Schneider 2013). The nut industry is a lucrative business in the land of America, and it is seen that looking at the profitability of this business, many business leaders can come forward with the intention of getting engaged in this business. Then the organizations who are trying to monopolize the business can face some serious threats as the profitability would get shared between the organizations that will join the business (Bryson 2015). If these new organizations can sell the goods in comparative lesser prices, then they can potentially substitute the organizations that were running the business and gaining the majority of the profit percentage for so long (Branco et al. 2015). As the demand of the nuts is very high in the market of America and abroad, the industry is very much dependent on the intention of the buyers. If the clients see that the organizations are making huge profit by selling the goods keeping a higher margin of profit, they can demand to reduce the prices of the goods and that can potentially affect the profitability of those organizations (Belasco 2014). Looking at the immense profitability in the business of growing and selling nuts in the market of America and also in overseas market, many business organizations of different commercial sectors might get interested in investing money in the nut industry. If big multinational organizations come forward to expand their business in this field, then the companies who are currently running the nut industry would have to face major issues as multinational organizations with huge brand value would take away all the important clients of the nut industry (Bryson 2015). The business of growing nuts and selling those raw or processed in the market of America and in overseas market is a lucrative business and there are three or four major organizations those rule the industry (Belasco 2014). It is seen that the competition is tough between the companies and the recent cases of robbery and theft of goods worth millions of dollars raises the question that whether the rival organizations are hiring someone to do the job or not. Experts are suspecting that these cases may be due to the conspiracy of the rival companies (Pitt, Taniwaki and Cole 2013). Companies like America nut INC or Best American Nut Co are strong rivals in this business and they might face some issues if a single organization takes away the majority of the profit percentage. In some cases, police reported that they suspected that Russian mafias are working behind the criminal operations along with the organized crime associations of Italian-Americans, and one of the owners of those riva l organizations is a Russian business tycoon (Aculey et al. 2012). Organizations with capabilities to prevent the theft There are not many organizations that are currently doing business in the nut industry of America and the way the companies are losing money due to uncontrolled robbery and theft of goods in the broad daylight, the organizations need to come up with plans to prevent these types of activities (Barkdull 2012). The organizations like Cargo Nut are improving their technological capabilities to prevent the theft according to the management of the organization. They are trying to hire experts from Belgium in order to look after the technical aspects of the situation and they are trying to work on the loop holes of their policies to improve the security issues both in the virtual world and in real time situations. The robbers are hacking the websites to get the information and on the other hand they are continuously trying to build up a team to look after the trucks which are delivering the goods to the store house or to the markets. In the storehouse they have started employing professiona l security guards who are armed and well trained to prevent these kinds of unwanted situations (Barkdull 2012). It is seen that if these organizations strengthens their own structure of doing business then it would be easy for the police department or the social authorities to reach the bottom of the crime in an easier way. Recommendation In this section of this report it can be said that it is the duty of the management of the organizations to look after their own goods in the first place. The organizations must try to improve their security issues and also be aware of the fact that there might be someone in their organization who can potentially be engaged with the criminal association and they might be disclosing the important information to the criminals (Aculey et al. 2012). The management of those organizations must improve the security of their websites and also they must dictate their security personnel to improve their work rate in an effective way to prevent this sort of unwanted situations. Government and police department would do their job, but in this case, the victim organizations must show some enthusiasm to stop these kinds of situations and they should not have the laid back attitudes depending on the schemes of insurance policies (Anagnostakis 2012). In this section of this report a critical analysis of the whole situation is done as the problem is getting worse day by day and the victim organizations have a very little hope to get out of this situation. It is a matter of fact that the nut industry is a growing industry and possesses a lot of opportunities for the investors in this field of business. Thus the organized crime associations would get naturally interested to make a few million dollars by looting the truck load goods. The situation is grave for the business organizations that are running the nut industry as they are losing money in a continuous process and there is not a single ray of hope left for the management of those organizations. The police department stated that the organizations did not have much compact security system and that made it easier for the criminals to loot the trucks. The management of those victim organizations are thus improving their general security system to prevent these kinds of unwanted a ctivities. Conclusion Thus to conclude, it can be said that, the current situation is not in favor of the business organizations who are doing business in the nut industry of America as loads of goods worth more than millions are getting robbed many a times and it is seen how the organizations are losing money on a recurring basis and they are losing millions of dollars. The organizations must look into these matters and act accordingly. FBI is putting in great effort to trail down the bottom of the issue and they have already arrested one suspect, but according to the experts, there must be a huge gang operating behind these activities and according to them, not only Italian-American mafia, but Russian gangsters are also behind these kinds of operations. References Aculey, P.C., Lowor, S.T., Winifred, O. and Kumi, A.M., 2012. 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